HHT February 10, 2020
75th Anniversary of Auschwitz
- Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentration camp, known as the "Final Solution"
- Between 1.1 and 1.5 million people died; 90% were Jewish
- June 14, 1940, the first prisoners arrived
- January 27, 1945....7650 sick and starving prisoners were rescued by Soviet troops
- January 18, 1945, approximately 60,000 prisoners were made to walk in what they now call "death marches". The old and the weak were shot if they fell behind.
- January 27, 2020, is the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
- Over 200 survivors will be in attendance
- Many survivors educate others to keep the memory of what happened alive so that this kind of history will never be forgotten.
2019-novel Coronavirus
- The Coronavirus is the same virus as colds, SARS, and MERS.
- It is transmitted from animals to humans.
- The Coronavirus outbreak started in Wuhan, the capital oh Hubei, in China at a seafood market.
- The first signs of Coronavirus were on December 31st and the new virus was announced on January 7th.
- Symptoms are fevers and coughing, and basic cold type symptoms.
The life and legacy of Kobe Bryant
- Kobe played for the L.A. Lakers for almost his whole career.
- He chose to be nicknamed the Black Mamba.
- He was always generous and ready to help when people were in need of aid in their life
- he had been living the life up until his sad and immediate demise.
- he retired early in 2016 being only in his 40s.
- he created a gym named the Black Mamba where he helped people who were coming into the NBA train.