Tuesday, March 17, 2020

HHT March 17, 2020

Festival du Voyageur

  • In the 1800s, the two main countries (Hudson's Bay and Northwest) were fighting.
  • The Assiniboine River was the only thing separating them.
  • In the summer, the people of each company (who are called voyageurs) built, hunted, and traded with others. When winter came around, the people would try to survive.
  • There were Indigenous and European peoples.
  • The Europeans were good at making glass and decorating items. The Indigenous were good at hunting. 
  • If a European person and an Indigenous person had a child, that child would be Metis. 

Newfoundland Snowstorm

  • On January 17, a blizzard covered St. John's, Newfoundland, with over 76 centimetres of snow.
  • The wind speed was over 150km an hour.
  • Everyone there was under S.O.E for 8 days. 
  • The snowstorm had trapped some people in their homes.
  • Mayor John Norman estimated the cost being over $1 million to fix the sea wall.

Canadian National Railway

  • The Ontario police said that several people had been arrested and that the use of force was a last resort for moving blockade
  • The protest has affected rail travel for at least 103 000 Canadians and prompted temporary layoffs.
  • The government-owned Via Rail Canada which mostly runs on Canadian National tracks.     

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Nine-Year-Old Shows Off Dyslexic Superpower with Rubiks Cube

  • Benjamin has dyslexia and struggles with reading and writing.
  • Benjamin's story is no sad tale of disability, however, as he shows what he can do.
  • He finished 750 cubes and created a mosaic in about 5 hours.
  • "Dyslexia is not my disability...Dyslexia is my superpower!"


Louis Riel as Manitoba's First Premier

  • Louis Riel was a Canadian politician who helped found the province of Manitoba.
  • Riel was born of Metis descent in 1844 in the Red River Settlement, in what today is southern Manitoba.
  • In Manitoba, Riel is generally celebrated for his role in creating the province.
  • The NDP Party in Manitoba is proposing Riel be given the title of the honorary first premier Louis Riel Day is a statutory holiday that always falls on the third Monday in February. The first Louis Riel was celebrated in 2008, and always coincides with the annual celebration of  Festival Du Voyageur in Winnipeg.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

HHT March 10th, 2020

Janelle Vachon Scotties

  • Janelle Vachon, from Oak Lake, competed in the 2020 Scotties.
  • It was from January 29th-February 2nd at the Riverdale Community Centre in Rivers.
  • Her teammates are Dorri-Anne Vince, Megan Huculak, and Hayley Surovy.
  • They won one game against Ursel 8-7 and lost the other 4 games.