Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009- Leslie

Today we continued on with our presentations.

Mary, queen of Scots- Before Mary was even a year old, she was crowned queen of Scots. Mary was executed because Elizabeth I, Mary's cousin, believed she was plotting against her.

Henry Hudson- Henry Hudson's crew went against him and he was sent adrift in the Hudson Bay, where he was thought to have died along with 6 crewmen and his teenage son. He took 3 main voyages at an attempt to find the Northeast Passage. Henry discovered the Hudson Bay, and the Hudson Strait.

Martin Frobisher- He was a pirate and a pirateer, which means he was hired by the king to attack ships from other countries. On his second and third voyages, he was paid to find gold in the New World, but he actually found iron pyrite (fools gold).

Properzia de Rossi- Properzia was a very successful female Italian Renaissance sculptor. Her sculptures were usually religious and were very small, one of the most famous being a crucification in a peach pit.

Pico della Mirandola- Pico was a writer and a philosopher. His most famous writing was "Oration on the Dignity of Man".

Dante Alighieri- Dante is known as "the Supreme Poet" in Italy. Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains or "the three crowns".

Henry the Navigator- He established a school to train navigators and map makers. He sent explorers around the west coast of Africa and then mapped the region. He never did sail, he just sent people out.

Don't forget to study. Remember that our test is on December 9!!

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