Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec 7/09

History Happening Today
The OLCS Grade 8 class went to Mr. Ted Taylor's Christmas Tree farm. We chose the "perfect" Charlie Brown Christmas tree.We thank Mr Taylor for his annual donation and for coming out on a -25 degrees with a wind chill of -35 degrees. Mr. Taylor's tree lot provides a home for many birds, coyotes and deer!
- There has been a decrease in the number of people receiving the H1N1 vaccination. Only about 37% of Manitoban's have received the vaccination. There appears to be enough for all people wishing to receive it. Incidents of human H1N1 have been reported in Boissevain and in turkeys in Ontario.
- Prime Minister Harper is visiting South Korea and has spoken to the government. He has as well opened trade of Canadian beef in China.

We presented our Renaissance people biography's
Ferdinand Magellan- In October of 1520 he found the Strait of Magellan. Ferdinand also explored the Pacific Ocean.


Check your cards and make sure you have the most important facts. Study!!!!


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