Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11th, 2010-Samantha

We talked about the revolutions. Handed out the new booklets! Tweeted about Melissa Hollingsworth coming to OLCS tomorrow! Skiing is tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dear Students,
We enjoyed meeting Mrs. Masson and looking at your blog.
Teacher 1 - I currently teach grades 7 and 8 in a French Immersion school. How are your French studies going? I have some questions for you:
1) Que faites-vous pendant le conge? Allez-vous faire du ski?
2) Comment est mon ami, Isaac?

Teacher 2 - Hello, Oak Lake! I teach Grade 8 at Killarney School...I will see you at our tournament for basketball Zones...GO RAIDERS!!! You will hear in the listening! My class will be having a Bake Sale that day so feel free to buy some treats!

OLCs Grade 7/8 said...

Response to teacher 2:
Yesterday was lots of fun! Thank-you for your hospitality.The Bake sale was fantastic! GO RAPTORS!!!!!!!:)

PS: By the way, the girls won Zone 9 and the Boys got 3rd!;)

OLCs Grade 7/8 said...

Response to teacher 1:
1) Nous sommes vraiment en faisant du ski le 12 mars. Nous avions un temps grand!
2) Isaac devant loin il y a quelques annees mais nous avons toujours des souvenirs aimant de lui. Il y a une statue de lui dans la ville.