Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th 2010

History Happening Today-
-4 Canadian soldiers and a journalist from Calgary were killed by a road side bomb.

-Dec.30/09 Jesse Kreutzer was born.

- A boy getting wood was attacked by a cougar. He was saved by his Golden Lab Retriever. The Retriever needed stitching to his right side. Police killed the cougar.

- Killarney is having problems with over population of deer coming into the town. Coyote population is increasing as well as coming into the town. Trapping to deal with.

- Some scientists predict the end of the world in 2012- planets lining up with Milky Way is their theory.

-Olympic Torch is approaching! Toronto last night Steinbach, MB today, The Forks in Wpg tonight at 7 :00 pm. In Virden on Sat am. OLCS students will have their Olympic hockey Jerseys this week. Pep Rally on Friday. Everyone who can make it bring a Canadian flag and cheers Brandon on Sat a.m.

- Christmas Eve the Pope was attacked by a lady.

-Tonight Canada plays USA for gold medal.

-McNally Robinson are closing their book store due to loss of money. Internet is hurting book stores.

-Dubai Tower- Gulf Emerat(economy bad turn) tallest structure in the world-luxury hotel hotel/apartments 160 stories high-cost them 9 million for floor- 828 m. high-1 km high- architectural + engineering marvel!

-attempted terrorinst attack on an airplane.

-Canadian dollar is rising- 96 cents.

New Years Resolution
Read pg's 268-291 and due ?'s 1-4 due for Friday


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