Friday, January 29, 2010

Social Studies, On January 29th

Today in Social Studies we worked on our Age of Revolution hand out. Page 387 is due on Monday, you also have to read pages 294-297 in your textbook. Pages 389 and 390 in our workbook will be done in class on Monday.

Grades 5-8 went curling today and Brandon's team beat Samantha's team. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today we looked over our Age of Revolutions booklet. We started reading.

We wrote our test yesterday, hopefully every one got over 81.5%!

-Feb 1st- #1 is due, just the word page, pg. 387.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22nd, 2010-Samantha

2. Reason the Reformation happened:
-The movement in the 16th century that demanded change or reform in the Roman Catholic Church.
-There was a belief that the Roman Catholic church was not teaching or following the true teachings of the bible. These were the reformers who?
Reasons for:
1. Religious
-Conflicts between the pope and the church officials as to who should rule.
-Money was going to build lavish palaces ect. for officials "rules" seamed different for upper class.
2. Political
-involvement with kings, wars, kings wanting more power, pope not wanting to give up power.
-Changes: People are moving to cities, towns, church is not as important as many have become wealthy merchants, tradespeople.
4. Cultural
-More people could read, there for they had new ideas and info from other civilizations reached Europe and made people see their religion or church in a different light.
5.Martin Luther
-His 95 theses questioned many practices especially the practices of indulgences. People were open to new insights Luther believed that you could speak to God directly and ask for forgiveness rather than go to the priest that chose punishments ect..

Main things to study!
-Time line-Definitely questions on this
-All of the worksheets that we spent time on.
-Church worksheet
-Martin Luther worksheet

History Happening Today
-January 5th- Canada plays USA
-Duabi Tower

January 25th, 2010 is our test, STUDY HARD!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21st, 2009 - Samantha

Today we tweeted on twitter to the kindergarten class and Mrs. Oback's class.

Then we continued to correct our 'Thinking About Words'.

We then corrected the definition of Reformation.

Reformation test is on Monday, January 25th, 2010.

Good luck boys at your basketball tournament in Kola!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Social Studies, On January20th

Today in social studies we corrected our "Peoples, Places, and Things" and started correcting our "Thinking About Words" worksheet.

We have a social test on Monday, here is our test outline. - time line - Reformation, All worksheets, HHT- from January 1st-22nd,

The girls 7/8 teams have their first basketball tournament today in Elkhorn.

We're talking about ways to help the people of Haiti.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18th 2010

Writing assignments due today on the inspirational people.
We started reading the next chapter- The Age of Revolutions.
The hand drawn pictures to go with it are due tomorrow. Must be hand drawn!


Friday, January 15, 2010

To grade 8's from Hamiota,
Here are the answers to your questions.
Brandon had to run 300 metres in Virden, MB. The Olympic rings were on the back of his jacket. The flame logo was on the left side. It said Vancouver 2010 on the sleeve. He says it was an awesome experience:) We are very excited to have you visiting our blog. We were wondering if you guys play any basketball or other sports?
OLCS Grade 7/8

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14th, 2010

At the beginning of class we tweeted, then we started to work on our assignment and studied for our test.

Assignment due on Monday, January 18th, 2010
-Out-Of-School Dance Tomorrow
-We will be having a Reformation Test on Monday, January 25th, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12th, 2010-Samantha

  • Questions 1-4 corrections due Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
  • Questions 5 or 6 are due Wednesday, January 13th, 2010
  • Question 7, part a or part b due Monday, January 18th, 2010
  • Today we went on Teacher Tube and watched the Reformation Polka and the 95 Theses Rap
  • We read The Reformation of England on page 278 in the textbook

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan. 11th 2010

- Brandon carried the Olympic torch in Virden Saturday. He purchased his torch for $350 and the suit was provided. It was pretty heavy and you could feel the warmth from the flame. There was a torch bearer from Dauphin who also ran with the torch in 1988.

-Earthquake in California.

- Canadian stamps went up in price from 54 cents to 57 cents.

-2 people jumped from the Dubai tallest building in the world. They waited 10 seconds before pulling their parachutes. They still had a 30-40 second ride.

-1st Canadian amputee soldier has returned to duty in Afghanistan. He wants to prove terrorism will not win out.

- Canadian PM Stephen Harper has closed parliament. He says due to the Canadian economy and the opposition parties say due to controversy due to Afghanistan detainees(prisoners).

-The weather is doing very strange things in Europe, England, United States-Florida where it is normally warmer temperatures in winter there has been cold, snow. In Manitoba last week we had a low of -47 today the temperature is -2. Robins have been spotted in the Oak Lake area- is this a sign of a warmer winter?

We continued to read about the reformation and we checked out movies on teacher tube!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

History Happening Today

Today we read the Brandon Sun, the olympic torch has been to Gimli i the primer carrying the torch as well as the students. The torch leaves Winnipeg today. One of the torch barriers will be Eddie ( the Eagle1) Edwards from England. He was the first english ski jumper in the 1988 Olympics in Calgary. There are about 1000 communities left before the torch arrives in Vancouver, February 12/10.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

- Today in Social Studies we worked on our Reformation booklets and handed in our New Years Resolution cards. Numbers one to four are due on Friday, January 8th. We set dates for the rest of the project. Number 5 or 6 are due on January 13th, and one of the research assignments are due on January 18th./ 2010!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th 2010

History Happening Today-
-4 Canadian soldiers and a journalist from Calgary were killed by a road side bomb.

-Dec.30/09 Jesse Kreutzer was born.

- A boy getting wood was attacked by a cougar. He was saved by his Golden Lab Retriever. The Retriever needed stitching to his right side. Police killed the cougar.

- Killarney is having problems with over population of deer coming into the town. Coyote population is increasing as well as coming into the town. Trapping to deal with.

- Some scientists predict the end of the world in 2012- planets lining up with Milky Way is their theory.

-Olympic Torch is approaching! Toronto last night Steinbach, MB today, The Forks in Wpg tonight at 7 :00 pm. In Virden on Sat am. OLCS students will have their Olympic hockey Jerseys this week. Pep Rally on Friday. Everyone who can make it bring a Canadian flag and cheers Brandon on Sat a.m.

- Christmas Eve the Pope was attacked by a lady.

-Tonight Canada plays USA for gold medal.

-McNally Robinson are closing their book store due to loss of money. Internet is hurting book stores.

-Dubai Tower- Gulf Emerat(economy bad turn) tallest structure in the world-luxury hotel hotel/apartments 160 stories high-cost them 9 million for floor- 828 m. high-1 km high- architectural + engineering marvel!

-attempted terrorinst attack on an airplane.

-Canadian dollar is rising- 96 cents.

New Years Resolution
Read pg's 268-291 and due ?'s 1-4 due for Friday


Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4th, 2010-Homework!

  • HHT
  • Test need to signed
  • reformation work sheet, need to read, and complete the 4 questions by Friday, January 8th, 2010. (pg 268-291)