Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24th, 2009, posted by: Sammy- Ancient Greece

-Today we started on Greece. Everyone needs to go through the booklet that they got from Kayliegh, and highlight the important parts.

- We will have a scavenger hunt on the notes that Kayliegh made, and if you find all of them, you will win a prize! The scavenger hunt will be due Wednesday. We will have Monday and Tuesday to work on this project.

-Read throught the chapter in the textbook, under the pictures, the topics and everything in the textbook.

-Listen to the news, we will start doing History Happening Today every Monday.

-Timeline due Today.

-Hello Reston People, thank-you for visiting our blog. What are you guys doing in Social Studies right now? Your Grade 7 and 8's are really good at badminton, we had lots of tough competion!Have a good day!

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