- Earthquake hits BC, after shocks could be felt in Winnipeg.
- Olympic Torch is in St. Johns
- OLCS is preparing for our annual Christmas Concert. Mrs. Penner will only be here six times before the Concert. YIKES:( If you have a part in the play, memorize, memorize!
- There has been several deaths reported to be linked to people receiving the H1N1 vaccination.
- OLCS student council is planing a possible ice skating rink.
- Gr. 8s will update the yellow ribbons in town tomorrow.
- Gr. 4 - 8 will be traveling to the Air Museum in Brandon, tomorrow.
- There has been a possible link finding a cure/treatment for MS. Dr. Zambodie, Italy has discovered by increasing openings to arteries/brain it reduces MS side effects!!
Amazing Peoples are due today for the grade sevens and grade eights are due tomorrow.
By: Samantha