Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2nd/ 2011

- Putting Words together (Booklet) due November 3rd.

- Keep reading from pages 34-35.

- History happening today due Friday.

- Make sure that agendas are signed for Nov 4th.



b_fed said...

Bonjour Oak Lake grade 7 / 8 classes. Je pensais pop dans votre blog et voir ce qui se up.I parle en français parce que je suis en classe de français en ce moment. C'est un grand accomplissement pour parler deux langues différentes. How are you guys doing in Social? How far are you in the text? Well I got to get going. Hope you guys do well. By the way what sport are you guys playing at the moment?

Sincerely: Brodie Fedak

P.S. Marc & Kj Say Hi

Social Studies Learner said...

Hi Brodie and Marc and KJ,
We are going to start basketball next week. We are about to begin on Mesopotamia in the text. We also are currently watching Clan of the Cave Bear. We are a little embarrassed to say that we couldn't decipher your french, so Mrs. Masson had to explain it to us. Bonjour!
-Grade 7&8 class
P.S. Morgan says hi