Tuesday, October 12, 2010

  • Sunday was 10/10/10. People decided to get married on this special date in history.
  • October 20th has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays. It only happens every 823 years!
  • Last Wednesday Roy Halladay of Phillies had his 2nd post season no hitter.
  • They are making Justin Bieber nail polish,dolls and home decor for the Christmas Season!
  • Afghanistan fighting to combat mental health problem affecting 2/3 of its population as a result of the war which has lasted 2 decade.
  • Saturday would have been the late John Lennon's 70th birthday.
  • The weight loss drug meridia has been pulled off the market in both Canada and US because of worries about drug side effects such as heart attacks and stokes.
  • On Monday Montreal Allouettes beat Calgary Stampeders 46-19!
  • Winnipeg Blue Bombers beat BC Lions 47-35 (Overtime)
  • People are so anxious to become thin they are at times willing to ingest tapeworm larval in order to lose wieght.
  • Joues claim health care in chaos. Winnipeg hospitals are over populated and there are very long waiting lists for nursing homes.
  • Wednesday Oct 13 OLCS girls have to travel to Elkorn and the boys are going to Reston for the first Volley Ball wins.
  • The miners in Chile are almost ready to be rescued after 9 weeks! Tomorrow rescue operation begin!

  • Pg. 34-37 due Thursday 14th
  • Pg. 37-41 due Monday 18th
  • Pg. 41-45 due Wednesday 20th
  • Pg. 45-49 due Friday 25th
  • Movie is the 26th
  • Test Tuesday 27th
  • HHT every Monday!

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